Grower Services
We understand the grow industry and are filling it’s professional needs. Our knowledge and experience will be your guide. With expertise from seed to sale, we are behind you every step of the way.
We understand the grow industry and are filling it’s professional needs. Our knowledge and experience will be your guide. With expertise from seed to sale, we are behind you every step of the way.
Navigating finances in this industry can be overwhelming. From Real Estate to banking, our experience can Grow your success. We know doing business with all cash is a challenge. We can provide you banking solutions so you can build credit, pay bills effectively and safely watch your hard work grow into profit. We also provide lending solutions to help you achieve your dreams.
Powered by technology, Grow helps get you to the next level by putting customized systems in place to help you succeed. We offer customized technology solutions so your business has the public face that stands out to your customers as well as back end business solutions to ensure efficient business operations, data management, and customer retention.
“Grow Capital has an exciting future. To get there we must make smart investments... I’ve raised private capital to begin this process and will continue to do more to ensure our current investments are profitable, allowing greater focus on the future”
Jonathan Bonnette, CEO
President & CEO, Director
Chairman of the Board, CFO
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